2012 annual day concert
2012 annual day concert
Saturday · May 19, 2012 @ 3:00pm PT
Shirdi Sai Center Auditorium
1221 California Circle
Milpitas, CA 95035 USA
Students of Dhanyasy School of Music
- Group 01: Adhithya S, Prishaa, Riya, Sandeep, Sruthy S
- Group 02: Abhiram, Aditya, Aravind, Milan, Sandhya, Srividhya, Srujana, Swathi
- Group 03: Aishwarya, Anahitha, Keerthana, Megha, Nithya, Reema, Shreya, Swetha
- Group 04: Aditya, Advika, Nishka, Pallavi, Pavithra, Rahul, Sanvi, Sura, Tanvi
- Group 05: Akshay, Parvathy, Pranav, Shrestha, Varun, Vikram
- Group 06: Anishka, Kavya, Kriti, Meenakshy, Mrudhula, Neelakshy, Neha, Sandeep, Sneha, Srijani
- Group 07: Anchitha, Aparna, Archana, Hari, Niranjan, Vyas
- Group 08: Adhik, Darsita, Deeksha, Keeratana, Keesha, Medha, Nidhila, Priyanka, Vijay
- Group 09: Kavya, Nandini, Pallavi, Pavithra, Rahul, Sahana, Shreya, Vismaya, Yamini
- Group 10: Adithya, Anahita, Anishka, Deeksha, Kavna, Keertana, Vismaya
- Group 11: Aditya, Deva, Dhruva, Kriti, Nidhi, Srujana
- Group 12: Ashwathy, Hari, Nikhil, Sanjana, Shruthy, Swaati, Varun, Vismaya
- Group 13: Akshur, Anahitha, Divyaa, Mahi, Meghna, Shreya, Sriram, Vibha
- Group 14: Archana, Ashwathy, Divyaa, Keerthana, Nikhil, Varun, Vismaya
Accompanied by:
Violin: Sundara Rajan
Mridangam: GT
Keyboard: Arun Anand Natarajan
Arun Anand Natarajan, a self-taught musician, is a resident of SF bay area. He started playing the keyboard from a very young age and has been driven by an interest to explore carnatic music with the western instrument. He has accompanied many young artists on stage, in carnatic music events.
Jalra: Shankar Nair
Shankar Nair is a carnatic music enthusiast and a parent volunteer from the dhanyasy.org SF bay area students community.
Jalra: Vani Ramadoss
Vani Ramadoss is a carnatic music enthusiast and a parent volunteer from the dhanyasy.org SF bay area students community.